venerdì 3 aprile 2015

Watercolors - 13/52

Watercolors (13/52)

52 weeks project - acquerelli / watercolors / aquarelles

Look into my eyes - 12/52

12/52 - look into my eyes

52 weeks project - occhi / eyes / yeux

Symmetry - 11/52

11/52 - Simmetry

52 weeks project - simmetrie

Trying to find some symmetry in my kitchen :-)

Lost in translation - 10/52

Lost in translation (10/52)

52 weeks project - sogni d'infanzia

shot for the 52 weeks project - Childhood dreams
photo pour le 52 weeks project - Rêve d'enfance

Books - 9/52

B-Books (9/52)

52 weeks project - libri

I have plenty of books, I love reading and I love holding a book in my hands.

Le Loup (8/52)

Le Loup (8/52)

52 weeks project - Low Key

Low key refers to a style of photography that utilizes predominantly dark tones to create a dramatic looking image. Where high key lighting seeks to over light the subject to the point of reduced contrast, low key lighting intensifies the contrast in an image through intensely reduced lighting.
(from Photography Tutsplus)