domenica 24 aprile 2016

sabato 23 aprile 2016

114/366 - Magnify

Day one hundred-fourteen

This theme has been a little more challenging that the others. 
First of all, I do not have a magnifier at home, which would have helped a lot. But it would have been no fun.
I placed a dried yellow flower at the bottom of a deep green bowl and covered it with the transparent wrap. Then, by means of a straw, I dropped some water on it.

I'm still far from what I meant to shoot, but I have to say that I'm quite happy with the result.
I will keep trying, but not immediately... I'm too hungry to think about anything else but supper! :)

martedì 19 aprile 2016

110/366 - f/1.4

Day one hundred-ten

I do not have (yet...) a f/1.4 lens.
So I had to go with the brightest I own: Nikkor 50mm f/1.8

109/366 - Go Wide

Day one hundred-nine
Go wide

Sigma 10mm - wide lens 

domenica 17 aprile 2016

108/366 - Exposure

Day one hundred-eight

Today's theme is general: Exposure. Over-, Under-, correct exposure?
I just decided for a mix :)

107/366 - On the side

Day one hundred-seven
On the side

A simple and not too challenging shot.
Yet, I like it!

106/366 - A bunch

Day one hundred-six
A bunch

I know I'm late...
I was enjoying being home again :)

lunedì 11 aprile 2016

venerdì 8 aprile 2016

99/366 - Where I stand

Day ninety-nine
Where I stand

By the window
looking far and beyond

ok, here I'm not looking out, but I'm looking inside myself (trying to be poetic, not my best try...).

domenica 3 aprile 2016

sabato 2 aprile 2016

93/366 - Shallow

Day ninety-three

What I am
(Eddie Brickell)

I'm not aware of too many things 
I know what I know, if you know what I mean 
Philosophy is the talk on a cereal box 
Religion is the smile on a dog 
I'm not aware of too many things 
I know what I know, if you know what I mean, d-doo yeah 

Choke me in the shallow waters 
Before I get too deep 

What I am is what I am 
Are you what you are or what?
What I am is what I am 
Are you what you are, or? 

Oh, I'm not aware of too many things 
I know what I know, if you know what I mean 
Philosophy is a walk on the slippery rocks 
Religion is a light in the fog 
I'm not aware of too many things 
I know what I know, if you know what I mean, d-doo yeah 

Choke me in the shallow water 
Before I get too deep 

What I am is what I am 
Are you what you are or what? 
What I am is what I am 
Are you what you are or what? 

What I am is what I am 
Are you what you are or what? 
What I am is what I am 
Are you what you are or what you are, and? 

What I am is what I am 
Are you what you are or what? 

Don't let me get too deep 
Don't let me get too deep 
Don't let me get too deep 
Don't let me get too deep 

Choke me in the shallow water 
Before I get too deep 
Choke me in the shallow water
Before I get too deep 

Choke me in the shallow water 
Before I get too deep 
Choke me in the shallow water
Before I get too deep