mercoledì 23 marzo 2016

83/366 - Your muse

Day eighty-three
Your muse

I think food is my primary muse.
Then, specifically popcorns (and a beer) are my best muse.

No popcorns this night, but I deem nachos would also do.

82/366 - Night lights

Day eighty-two
Night lights

domenica 20 marzo 2016

80/366 - Shutter speed

Day eighty
Shutter speed

Yes, I could go with a fast shutter speed and jump in front of the camera, but I preferred a slow speed while lying on the bed. Definitely more safe :)

79/366 - Vaste

Day seventy-nine

venerdì 18 marzo 2016

78/366 - Silly

Day seventy-eight

That's me: 
I visit Canada in winter, but leave the gloves at home.
I go out for a walk in the snow, during a sunny day, leaving the sunglasses at home.
To complete this picture, also my hair seem silly, after a walk in the wind. 

77/366 - Shamrock

Day seventy-seven

Be your own fortune.

76/366 - Contrast

Day seventy-six

sabato 12 marzo 2016

72/366 - Familiar

Day seventy-two

Even when you're far, there is always something making you feeling at home.

lunedì 7 marzo 2016

domenica 6 marzo 2016

66/366 - Ordinary/self portrait

Day sixty-six
Ordinary / self portrait

1. First Shot: how I think I am

2. Second Shot: the reality...

venerdì 4 marzo 2016

64/366 - Celebrate

Day sixty-four

Maybe the photo does not convey a sense of celebration, but I was too concentrated on the cake (which was worth a standing ovation) to think about anything else :)

martedì 1 marzo 2016

61/366 - Spires

Day sixty-one

Again, thanks to my sister and to the Christmas decorations... :)