mercoledì 27 gennaio 2016

27/366 - Curved

Day twenty-seven

I couldn't choose between shooting a curved object and trying a curved perspective, so I resolved for both: The fish tank (ok, it is square, but the centre is round) shot using the fisheye lens.
Since the exposure was not the best one, I decided for a black and white toning.

Here below, two other shots for the same theme.

Salice Terme
Le Terme 

When I was a child, this was a theater (and later a cinema), and in my mind it still is.
(don't know what it has become nowadays, it is one of the buildings of the complex of the Spa Le Terme)

Salice Terme
Swimming-pool cabins
(le cabine della piscina)

Avrei voluto aspettare ancora un po' e fare uno scatto più ragionato. 
Poi mi sono ricordata di essere pessima nei ragionamenti, quindi dovevo solo decidere tra fare una foto ad un oggetto curvo e usare una prospettiva curva.
Poi mi sono ricordata di essere pessima anche nel prendere decisioni, quindi ho scattato un oggetto curvo con il fisheye (prima foto in alto).
Le altre due foto, sono scatti di questa mattina, che potrebbero essere a tema, visto che tutto sono  fuorché dritti :)

martedì 26 gennaio 2016

26/366 - Angled

Day twenty-six

The theme was probably to be interpreted taking into account the perspective.
My personal view of life in these days is so angled, that when I look at things from an angled point of view, they turn out to be perfectly straight.
(sorry for my poor English)

Il tema di oggi era forse da interpretare dal punto di vista della prospettiva.
Ma il mio cervello è talmente obliquo in questo momento, che quando guardo le cose da una prospettiva angolata, esse risultano perfettamente dritte.
Mi avvalgo della facoltà di libera interpretazione del tema :)

lunedì 25 gennaio 2016

25/366 - A Favorite

Day twenty-five
A Favorite

My favorite place, to shoot, is this (yes..the kitchen!!), with its sense of fresh baked (whole wheat) bread.

Questo è in assoluto il posto dove preferisco fare foto, mi piace la luce (anche se è quella artificiale) e mi piace lo sfondo.
Poi, il fatiche si tratti della cucina, credo sia un caso fortuito... :)

domenica 24 gennaio 2016

24/366 - Space

Day twenty-four

Let's start the Composition Week with a new challenge... Space.
I am very bad at photography composition, so I take the opportunity to study, try, experiment and - I hope - grow.

Eh, oggi inizia la"Composition Week".
La composizione non è una delle cose che mi viene meglio, in fotografia, ma prendo questa settimana come un'occasione per imparare, sperimentare, provare, sbagliare, sperando di poter alla fine crescere un poco (niente battute facili sul fatto che sono unmetroemezzo...).

sabato 23 gennaio 2016

23/366 - Dappled

Day twenty-three

First of all, I was not sure I got today's theme.
I made some research on internet and at last I started again experimenting with the external flash.
Not satisfied with the result, I will keep on trying... 

Partiamo dal presupposto che subito ho avuto qualche difficoltà a capire il compito di oggi... ( definisce questa parola "having spots of a different shade, tone, or color from the background; mottled).
Continuiamo con il fatto che io mi ricordo di fare le foto solo al crepuscolo, probabilmente perché il mio cervello è ancora abituato a spegnersi dalle 8 alle 18.
E finiamo pensando a me, presa dalla voglia di sperimentazione, con i mestoli della cucina sul tavolo in sala, mentre sto su una gamba sola per tendere bene il filo del flash senza far ribaltare il cavalletto con la fotocamera.
Se la foto non vi piace, abbiate pietà almeno per l'impegno e la prova di equilibrismo (che alla mia età non è nemmeno così scontato...).

venerdì 22 gennaio 2016

22/366 - Artificial Light

Day twenty-two
Artificial Light

Photo taken holding the flash under the chair.

Very difficult to do if:
- you are alone
- you do now own a wireless flash
- you decide to shoot things far from you, even if you know that the flash cable is not long enough...

yet, I did it :)

giovedì 21 gennaio 2016

21/366 - Backlight

Day twenty-one

The first attempt has been with the external flash, but luckily I forgot to store the Christmas lights...

martedì 19 gennaio 2016

19/366 - Sidelight

Day nineteen

Used to be in the office during the day and to take photos only at night, my first idea was to shoot with the external flash, but then I realized the possibility to shoot with natural light, so... here we are.

lunedì 18 gennaio 2016

18/366 - With the Sky

Day eighteen
With the sky

Today, a sunny day, perfect day for a shot with the blue sky. 
But I was alone walking the dog and could not take the camera with me, so I shot with the phone. 

domenica 17 gennaio 2016

17/366 - Light

Day seventeen

This is the technical week, and I wanted to shoot with the natural light or make experiments with the flash.
I was so busy enjoying my days after I resigned, that I almost forgot to take the picture...
So, again, this is what I managed to shoot.

I commit to shooting with more concentration in next days ;) 

venerdì 15 gennaio 2016

15/366 - A Treasure

Day fifteen
A Treasure

Niente pietre, gioielli, bracciali. 

Oggi ho finito un percorso lungo quasi 13 anni, in cui sono cresciuta, e il mio tesoro sono tutte le persone che ho incontrato, che mi hanno cambiata, che mi hanno arricchita.


giovedì 14 gennaio 2016

14/366 - Black and White

Day fourteen
Black and white

All my dreams in a box.
Tomorrow I will open it and let them free.

martedì 12 gennaio 2016

12/366 - Draw

Day twelve

I know that draw implies a pen or a pencil and not a paint brush, but... 

... this evening I was late, I'm sleepy, the water's boiling in the kitchen, I forgot to close the windows, I had to shave... so.. this is the best I could do :)

.. e lo so che Draw è un disegno fatto a penna o a matita (da definizione del Cambridge Dictionary) e che, quindi, i pennelli non c'entrano una lippa. 

Ma anche stasera sono in ritardo per la foto, ho sonno, ho l'acqua sul fuoco, ho dimenticato le finestre aperte, mi devo fare la barba, ho la sessione di preghiera tibetana, il corso di taglio e taglio (mi viene meglio che cucire, quindi perché non limitarsi a quello?), ho la lezione di yoga con foga (una disciplina che mischia yoga e frenesia, in modo che finisci e ti senti esattamente come quando hai cominciato).

sabato 9 gennaio 2016

9/366 - A Relationship

Day nine
A Relationship

The attempt to shoot a self-portrait together with Buck failed since it's still only when it's eating or sleeping...

I'm in love with this dog, sometimes I think I love him more than his owner ;-)

venerdì 8 gennaio 2016

8/366 - Where I stand

Day eight.
Where I stand.

Today I overreacted to a telephone call from a marketer of a phone company.
She kept saying that I was another person and that my number was not my number.

I was right.
But when I shouted at her, I was no more right.

And then I suddenly knew where I stood.

On the wrong side.

giovedì 7 gennaio 2016

7/366 - Good for Me

Day seven.
Good for me.

The fireplace at home

Just thinking about the fireplace at home makes me feel better. I feel the warm, cozy atmosphere even before I get home.
This is good for me. 
The photo is crooked, and I did not fix it because it has not to be perfect, to be good for me.

mercoledì 6 gennaio 2016

6/366 - Pushing myself

Day six.
Pushing Myself

Planning ahead, set goals, decide who I want to become :)

This year I will start a new life and I'm pushing myself to writing down my goals, to defining the path I want to walk.

martedì 5 gennaio 2016

5/366 - Makes Me Happy

Day Five.
Makes me happy.

Again, I have to choose...

Holding a book, reading a book, looking at the book rows in the shelves knowing that I will never read them all, since their number grows without end...

...this makes me happy.

domenica 3 gennaio 2016

3/366 - This is so me (self-portrait)

Day three. A self-portrait.
This is very hard for me, for two main reasons:
1. I don't like being in front of the camera (this is why I always look so weird ..)
2. portrait - and self-portrait - photography is the the most difficult to me. we are and I don't want to be stuck at the very beginning of the project, so... hello people :)

sabato 2 gennaio 2016

2/366 - One Word

Day two. One Word.

Picking only one among all the words I have in mind for this year is not easy, but I think that the most important, the most powerful, The One is


I want to learn about photography, to improve and see if the life I'm figuring is possible.
I want to learn about respect, to become a better me.
I want to learn how to listen, how to see and how to feel.

This will be a new year and I would take the chance to start all over again and to  learn all (quite) from scratch 

venerdì 1 gennaio 2016

1/366 - Fresh Start

I just started a new photographic project.
It is the first time I approach a 365 project and I know this will be a very challenging experience... 

The themes are borrowed from Capture your 365.

So... day one - a fresh start.
I want to start looking at things in different ways, to get a better knowledge of light, to leave behind the fear of not being understood, not being liked, not being enough.